About Us


Krishanlal Tandoor has been finding ways in which to excellence in an exceedingly extremely quality style of oven tandoor. the corporate has been invariably capable to satisfy their customer’s demand of quality tandoor and currently the flagship company within the trade. Krishanlal Tandoor is Associate in Nursing Indian based mostly manufacturer, provider and Exporters company engaged in selling and mercantilism of eco friendly change of state system clay kitchen appliance oven known as Krishanlal Tandoor.

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MR. Nishant Karariya


MR. Deepak kumar

Company Profile

Since 1993, the name KRISHANLAL TANDOOR has been synonymous with high quality and dependable Indian restaurant supply in restaurants, hotels, and banquet halls around the  Indian food. We believe that food cooked in a tandoori clay oven delivers an experience packed with intense flavor, inviting texture, and a memorable sensory experience.

Have questions?

  • info@krishanlaltandoor.com
  • +91-70-3748-4545
  • +91-89-0946-6764
  • H.No. 4671/10, Gali No. 112, B-Block, Sant Nagar
    Burari, Delhi - 110084
  • 5 + 29 =

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